Friday, December 19, 2008

Stories of our lives

Hey people, after a long absence, I'm back! The last coupla days have been spent hanging out with my dear MJK, with me throwing a pre-Christmas celebration at my place for them on the 17th, and then badminton/Yes Man with them today.

So we talk rubbish and crap like we always do, cos as we all know, whenever there are people like us around, we're always guaranteed a laugh and a good time! -pipes in fake cheers from the fake crowds- So we get to something I call, "Stories of our lives". And yes, this is where I proceed to embarrass the 8 of us by dishing the stories. Let's go!

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...LEE WENYI (Noisy Stupid Girl)

9am - I'm supposed to meet MJK today for MJ (hey, there's a reason why we call ourselves the MahJongKlan right?) at my house! We're supposed to play IN THE KITCHEN. =DDD
9.30 - I wake up. SHIT I OVERSLEPT.
10.30am - I finish bathing and straightening my hair, cos I'm soooo cute, and my hair can never be less than 90% straight, even though we're playing in my house!
11.30am - Sharlene, Daniel the handsome and LARRIBIRD are here!
18.30 - We leave our house for dinner. I lost 5dollars, and we only played ONE round! I dunno why, but that stupid LARRIBIRD keep saying I play very slow...people need to think one mah... -bats eyelids and plays with hair (i.e, acts cute) -
21.00 - Finally on the way home! The stupid guys, throughout dinner keep suaning me, especially that LARRIBIRD! =( He keep saying I'm FLAT!!! -sobs- It's okay, I think good enough can liao ba...
21.30 - YAY reached home! Wah, I realised I took so many pictures today!!! There's me with Sharlene, me with PinHui, me with Daniel, me with LARRIBIRD... I'm SO PRETTY!!! =DDD I think I shall go talk to Daniel online!!
22.00 - -whines- He never reply lah!!! -sobs- I wonder why everytime I talk to him online, he ALWAYS dao me one!!! =C

In conclusion, Lee Wenyi's life can be summed up in two words. "Kana Suan".


10am - I wake up after sleeping for 12hours, after Daniel calls me four times to wake me up. I'm supposed to meet him at 10.45 today, we're going to MJ at Wenyi's house.
11am - I've been waiting at the station for Daniel for 15mins!! AND I WALKED FROM MY HOUSE!!! That Daniel ah, everytime make me wait for him -whines and grumbles-
11.30 - We're finally at Wenyi's house. Looks like we're playing in the kitchen today. I grumble some more. I talk alot, but no one seems to care, I say alot of vulgarities, which attract dirty looks from Wenyi's brother. Maybe he's just looking at me cos I'm too shuai.
15.30 - Middle of first round, STUPID Wenyi, takes 5minutes to throw one card. SO SLOW LAH! I grumble some more. I'm losing like, ALOT. I gamed only 5times, that stupid Daniel and Sharlene, keep winning when I'm building my 4tai... I grumble some more.
18.30 - Finally finish ONE round. UGH. WENYI lor, so slow! I say her, then she gimme that >.< face... BUT IT'S TRUE WHAT!!! I grumble some more.
21.00 - Finished dinner, in the train with Daniel. Dinner was fun. I grumbled about being hungry, and talked alot of crap while eating. Of course, I didn't eat any chilli. CHILLI IS FOR LOSERS. I had fun suaning Wenyi during dinner. I kept saying she was lacking in a particular physical department. Of course, because sensitivity isn't my strongest point, I didn't say it that nice, I just kept saying she was flat.
21.30 - I've reached home. Along the way, I complained here and there about anything and everything that I could. Then I went to bathe, and during my shower, I grumbled some more to myself in the shower...

In conclusion, Larrison's life can be summed up in four words. "I grumble some more."


10.30am - I woke up. Not much fuss, I just have a quick shower and go out, we're playing MJ today at Wenyi's house! I wear my favourite red Ngee Ann Poly Daredevil T-shirt and shorts, and head over to Hougang Mall.
11.30 -After meeting Larry and Daniel at Hougang Mall, and bought Daniel the bubble tea that I owe him, we went over to Wenyi's house. Stupid guys keep saying I'm fat and I'm short. I always reply...'But I never deny that I'm fat what!!!'
15.30 - Middle of first round. The reason why we play so slowly is due to Wenyi, who denies that she plays very slowly, and cos I'm her good friend, I don't scold her, but actually, I secretly agree with the guys. All this time, stupid Larry keeps saying that I'm blocking the fan! I KNOW, cos I'm fat what...ugh!
18.30 - Dinner! I'm hungry! Roar! On the way to dinner, stupid guys keep saying that I'm fat, and Wenyi joined in too! ROAR. It's not my fault that I'm short and fat what...
21.00 - On the way home. I ate alot. Hey, I didn't get to my size by accident right? Stupid guys are still saying that I'm short and fat. ALL MY LIFE I HAVE TO BEAR WITH PEOPLE SAYING THAT I'M FAT! AND SHORT! I'm so tired...that I laugh at the slightest thing. Yes. I'm secretly insane.

In conclusion, Sharlene's life can be summed up in three words. "Short and fat."

End of Part One people! I'll be here with the other four people, and finish with a rather much more flattering account of my life tomorrow, or whenever I feel like it.

On a more serious note, this is my 99th post. Which means the next official full post will probably be a post that sums up the year and thoughts over the posts here.

Dan praised Jesus at 12:02 AM

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I see bloody Pelloysius tagged me to do this. So I shall.

Rules and Regulations:- Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habit/little known facts about yourself.- People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little know facts as well as state this rule clearly- At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names- No tag back.

1. I sleep with a cloth folded into eighths on my pillow every night, no reason why, just been a habit since young.

2. When I was little, I thought "homesick" meant being sick of home.

3. I surf Wikipedia when I'm bored.

4. I once fractured my left hand playing wrestling with my friends. The dude tried to Rock Bottom me, I landed ass first on my left hand. Had a hairline fracture. And obviously I made up a story to my parents, which brings me to the next point.

5. I told my parents I fell on my waterbottle and landed with my weight on my left hand. I think they took my word for it.

6. I rant about anything and everything, cos I'm too easily influenced by people such as Frankie Boyle.

7. I have a habit of trying to act out confrontations with people I dislike or with people that I have deep burning things to say to. which usually ends with me hogging the glory. Go figure who I've "confronted".

8. I'm never easily contented. I crave for something for ages, finally get it, and the thrill wears off within a week.

9. Before I go overseas, I worry that I might die overseas or on the way there, so I usually talk to people I'm usually close to, just in case I really do.

10. I have this incessant need to watch and analyse every scene of Survivor there is to watch.

The 10 lucky winners are... (in alphabetical order)1. Anyone2. who3. is4. really5. really6. really7. really8. really9. really10. bored.

Have fun, all ya kaypohs out there.

Dan praised Jesus at 12:31 AM

About Me

9th February 1991
16 years old


True Friends
Un-cliche Conversation on MSN


Those who takes things for granted
Bitches who take everything to heart


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God's blessings daily
Satisfying O Level results
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New sports shoes
No regrets
To be a good friend/brother

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Mei Ching
Wen Yi aka Noisy Stupid Girl
Mei Qi
Mr. Erhuist
Soon Siang
Lydia the Chorlor
Louis Botak
Tiak Hui
Michael Owen Hargreaves
Clement NYJC
King Rachel
Nick Boo
Aloysius B
Poems From The Heart
Amanda Chan
Deanna Lee aka Factory
Lynette Yap
Pang Zhiyang aka Dr. Hitch
Jasmine Cheng
Angie the Violent
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Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

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Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

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