Thursday, May 22, 2008

Putting a new perspective on things

Hey all. As I write this, it's currently 5.32 in the morning. Apart from the small fact that Man United are champions of England, champions of Europe once again, I just can't get back to sleep at the moment. Call it adrenaline, call in sweet taste of victory (though I must say I feel sorry for John Terry), call it whatever you like. All in all, at such an early hour, it always helps me to think and gain new insights on the stuff I've been involved in. So this post will not be a rant going on and on about the glorious Man United, but I just wanna voice a few opinions off-the-cuff. No offence though, and none taken should anyone wanna comment.

Right. I've been thinking lately. Due to my partial involvement in a certain some kinda messy situation, I've been wondering, if I've become the manipulator, the puppet-master, the "Godfather", that I told myself I'd never be. While I admire Yul Kwon for the way he pulled the strings on Survivor Cook Islands, I never thought I could be seen in the same light. From young, I'd always thought that the person worth respecting, is the person behind the scenes who makes all the magic happen on stage. Yet, I ask myself at this stage, if I respect myself for the way I've conducted myself over the last few months. And truth be told, I dunno if I do. There's just something eating at me over the way I've gone about this whole shenanigan.

But yet, I ask myself, is all this called for? Did I bring all of these upon myself? What I do know, is that I made a conscious choice to play a role in all this, and though my role really did not turn out the way I envisioned it, I have no regrets about making that original choice to be involved in all this.

For I realise, I've gained some, lost some.

I won't go into my feelings about losing out on what I'd felt would have been a friendship worth keeping, cos quite frankly, that would take too long, and personally, I'm really still holding on to the hope that it's not the end of the road, that there are still a few more chapters to be written. I won't go into my feelings about possibly being seen as forsaking a friendship for the sake of another, cos that's a story for another day.

For now though, I hope, that I've gained more than I've lost.

That hope, is what I'm holding on to. And that's enough to keep me going.

For now.

Dan praised Jesus at 5:32 AM

Monday, May 05, 2008

The Bitch Files (revived)

Hey all. Due to the overwhelming prompting for me to update my blog, I shall do just that now. Oh but, flashback to three years ago. I remember posting a series of posts called "The Bitch Files". I also remember a few posts along the way that were bitchy in nature and ranty. I also remember telling myself to not post any Bitch files anymore. Today, I decided to veto that decision, dust off the layers of dust from the Bitch Files, and add an entry.

Cos if there was any person that deserves the title of the human equivalent of this gender of canines, it's probably you. No guesses as to the identity of this person shall be entertained, but I think it's pretty obvious who this runaway winner is. This person has thrashed all other challengers, it's kinda like the number of goals Cristiano Ronaldo has scored for Man U this season as compared to Nicholas Anelka for Chelsea. Which means of cos, 40 goals to 0. Go figure. So let's take a look and delve deeper into what makes this runaway winner so deserving of the award.

The first criteria this person met with impressive regularity, is the ability to piss people off and yet not appear apologetic or even better, even be aware that someone has been pissed off. Why is this important? Cos this shows how much regard others have in this person's eyes. I always thought pissing people off is an art. Apparently, this person is like Leonardo Da Vinci, master of the art of pissing people off. You see, my dear readers, normal mortals like you and me, we realise when we piss people off, cos people shut up and refuse to talk to us when they get pissed with us. Impressively enough, this person has perfected the art of pissing people off to such an extent that, quite frankly speaking, I don't think this person knows if someone's upset with him/her. Seriously people, I'm really really impressed.

People, there's a rather exclusive club for people with high Intelligence Quotient. It's called MENSA. I think, that should there be a club for people with high Emotional Quotient, however, this person would be the first struck off from the list of would be candidates. I liken this person's EQ to the Sahel region in Africa. Barren and arid, with indications of further desertification. On a slightly more positive note, this person deserves to be appreciated. Seriously. I'd like to draw comparisons to the panda. Everyone likes pandas, (for those who don't like pandas, tell me you don't like Hello Panda), and appreciates the uniqueness of pandas. Why? Simply cos the panda is an endangered species. Likewise, this unique and exceptionally homo sapien, is really an endangered species, which is why we should appreciate this person more. I think this person belongs to a rare breed, one that has little or no EQ at all. Simply just because I have yet to come across another similar person, with as little EQ as he/she possesses. Or, as J.K Rowling kindly put it for me when Hermione described Ron, this person has "the emotional range of a teaspoon".

Yet, that last statement is so oxymoronical in nature. Cos this person gets so wound up when people strike a raw nerve, which I've come to realise is almost every nerve, yet fails to see when he/she has struck the nerves of other people. Maybe it's cos this person's nerves have been struck so many times, that he/she has just lost all feeling towards saying the same stuff back towards others. So I believe, another mystery has been added to life's unexplained phenomenons. Joining the hallowed ranks of questions like "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" (The chicken dummies, check the dictionary!) and "What is the meaning of life?", is this: "How is it possible, for (insert name here) to be so sensitive, yet insensitive at the same time?" You saw it here first people, new unexplained phenomenons right from this edition of the Bitch files. Now who said reading rants didnt help anyone?

Oh and I almost forgot this huge criteria. This is none other than the possessing of high levels of arrogance and self-centeredness. It takes an all new level of arrogance, when this person is able to display nonchalance, even if you realise the words you say have pissed people off. See what I mean about being devoid of EQ? That's evidence for you. See Mr Sequeira, I learnt stuff from history. I'm inclined to the belief, that this person is living in a world with population one. Him/her. Wow, a world within a world. That's so...Horton. If this person sees this, (I hope not, I'd be screwed!NOT LITERALLY, PEOPLE!), here's a message. It must be getting lonely living in a world only with you in it. So we mortals here on Planet Earth, kindly invite you to abdicate the self-constructed throne you're sitting on, and join us all. After all, calling yourself king has been outdated since Hsaya San did so way back in the start of the last century.

Right. I think I've run out of thoughts, so that's all for the moment. I'll be back soon, I promise. Hopefully with new criteria, so check back regularly. This is Dan, reporting for the Bitch Files.

Oh. I feel like ending with a cheer. So here goes.

Small loser
Big loser
Bigger loser
Welcome to Loser Land
Population One: YOU!

Till the next time!

Dan praised Jesus at 7:21 PM

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9th February 1991
16 years old


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