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Hey all. My main purpose today is to give my thoughts on one of my ex classmates post in his blog. Kar Liang, this goes out to you.
In his post,my friend gave his opinion on friendships. This compelled me to put in my two cents worth.First up, what defines a friendship?What qualities and attributes are needed in a true friendship?I feel that a friendship requires a two way communication,it requires the efforts of all parties involved.Most importantly,a friendship must contain trust and understanding and can withstand the test of time.
Trust.To me,a friendship without trust is like a car without the engine.Even if the car can start by some miracle,it will still be running on a low horsepower engine.Put in the engine however,and the car will turn into a Formula One standard car with a high horsepower engine,able to glide over the chicanes and bends that come its way.A few years back an incident happened(my close friends should know what) which opened my eyes to the importance of trust in any relationship.Trust is the basic building block for a good solid friendship and it won't take a genius to see that the basic foundation must be strong in order for the building not to fall when faced with typhoons or hurricanes.
If trust is the engine of the car, then understanding is the petrol.Without the petrol,the car would not move and the people inside the car would be going absolutely nowhere.Understanding is the fuel of a friendship.When running low,the wise thing to do is either to top up the tank or finding the fault in the supply line.In abundance,it will ensure a smooth ride to one and all.Never let the fuel run out,for the car might stall one fine sunny day in the middle of the road.
Endurability is another important point to friendship.True friendship withstands the test of time.It is the tyre of the car.Durability and stability is what it will provide to the car.The better quality tyre,the longer lasting the car will endure.And throughout all terrain,be it rocky or smooth,dry or wet,the car will continue moving on.Beware,for the tyres are susceptible to negligence,and because of its durability,people tend to take it for granted.It is however a very integral part of the car and we ignore it at our own danger.
All in all,after all that's been said,I must still say that the really important key to a friendship is in our hands.No matter what,the ability to drive the car safely still remains in our hands.By guiding our friendships safely through the sands of time,we can definitely ensure the longevity of a friendship.
Kar Liang,I await your reply.:)