NYR 2006
ello all.Here to post my New Year Resolutions for 2006. I hope that it will turn out better than this year though hahah.
1) Grow in the Lord and be more like Him each and every day.
2) Spread His word to my own Jerusalem,Judea and Samaria. In other words just talk to my friends about Him.
3) Set a good example of what a Christian is supposed to be for my pre-believing friends.
4) Either directly or indirectly be a cause of at least one conversion in my class.
5) Serve in church.
6) Get better grades in school, especially in Science and Maths.
7) Be a good senior to my juniors in NPCC, especially after June when we take over.
8) Do everything to the best of my ability.
9) Try to build bridges and mend wounds with friends whom arguments have taken place.
reflections/flashbacks of 2005
As 2005 draws to a close, I feel that its time I did this reflection cum flashback thing. The past year has been pretty much forgettable, except for the month of December where the Youth Camp brought back a spark and pretty much the highlight of my year, as it has for the past few years. It's during the camp that God spoke to pretty much everyone and lit my heart on fire! Details to come..
Academic year--HA!what academic I should ask myself..this school year has been pretty bad..I've been slacking again..but in the first semester of this year I pretty much sank to a new low..Even now while looking back, shucks man! I failed Maths and scraped B's in Science and lost to Desmond in Eng (ultimate horror of horrors)..actually the smug look on his face was pretty much what spurred me to get better grades (I'm sure the suaning helped too)...But thank God I found the Lye family and had the totally intensive tuition during the June hols to give me the advantage going into the 2nd semester. My only regret is that I let the stupid Matthew Ng teach me in Science. Hope next year will be better in studies..
Social year--What social life?As usual my social life this year is virtually non-existent, save for the great 2H chalet during the Dec hols. And a few outings with Agape and the potentially good Pegasus outing coming up.Haha. Well at least I made a few good friends this year(Herman,Cheryl,Clement,Jeremy,Gerald) and also changed my opinion of a few people like Nick and Barry.Haha.Oh and I was really glad to have a few superb un-cliche convos with Mich,John,Mei Ching and Gerald.
CCA--It was a pretty great year actually in NP,with us winning tons of stuff as usual. But it was spoilt by two stupid people also known as the Bitch and Potato Boy(dis nick was given by Sista Pig,which is so evil,I only suggested Mr Potato Head haha). But yeah seriously, they really ruined my year in Npcc,and i tink i speak for everyone in S2 when I say that the Bitch really pissed people off this year.
Church--Well, I feel that for everything that has happened in church over the last year,I'd give anything, every sadness and low felt in the year, to relive this year again. Because of PLMC, I became more open and happier this year. It's been that great for me. With the Encounter camp in March and LHS-RHS in Dec, these two camps alone made me feel spiritually whole in Christ. Then there was the honour of hosting SOW with Joel in June which really opened my eyes to what I could do to serve Him,which became a really realistic goal after youth camp. Maybe hosting events for Him is another realistic option I have in 2006. Oh and yes, I will do smth about serving next year. basically I'll pray and then I know He's gonna point the way in which I should go,but if it were up to me, I'd choose either Hosting gigs,Ushering or Junior Camp Comm. Haha. The last one sounds pretty outta place. But God will make a way, and I feel if that is what He wants me to do, I'll pretty damn well do it.Haha.
I'll be back tmr or Fri to post NYR 2006.